Among the 100 scientists with the biggest social media impact in Norway
In August 2022 Mike Young published an overview of the 100 scientists with the biggest social media impact in Norway.
Marte was ranked as #22.
Listen to #PolyPod: The links between diversity and innovation
What does research show regarding foreign workers associated with innovation, and what is the related experience of professionals engaged in gender-balanced leadership? How can we use this knowledge on diversity and innovation to design the way out of the COVID19-crisis in a situation where the borders are closed, unemployment is on the rise and international collaboration is not on top of the agenda?
Listen to the conversation between: Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen Solheim, Associate Professor & Head of Stavanger Centre for Innovation Research at the University of Stavanger Business School Eva Turk, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at the University of South-Eastern Norway, President of Professional Women Network Norway – and member of the board of the Polytechnic Society health network Mette Vågnes Eriksen, Secretary General of Norway’s Polytechnic Society.
You will gain insight and inspiration into how to stimulate innovation tapping into the whole talent pool – and even get five good advices on how to get started.
Stavanger Aftenblad
Guest commentary for Stavanger Aftenblad
Marte has since January 2022 delivered regular guest commentaries for the regional newspaper: Stavanger Aftenblad.
She has written about cultural diversity, loneliness in a post-covid world, regional innovation, the megatrends shaping our lives, and equality.